101 Things We Miss About #BikeNYC

Really, we miss everything.

Transportation Alternatives
3 min readApr 13, 2020
  1. Headwinds
  2. Tailwinds
  3. Venting your anger on drivers in the bike lane
  4. Speeding past cars stuck in traffic
  5. An undeniable sense of moral superiority
  6. Rolled-up pant leg chic
  7. Helmet hair style
  8. Cool U-lock fashion
  9. The pannier as handbag
  10. A bit mussed up but not minding
  11. Being late to work and not being able to blame the subway, just your legs
  12. Arriving at work sooooooo thirsty
  13. Never missing the train
  14. The bemused looks on the faces of bus riders
  15. Commuting is the best part of your day
  16. Privacy in public space on the Hudson River Greenway
  17. The clack of the planks on the Brooklyn Bridge
  18. Bombing down Broadway late at night
  19. Sneaking in a few laps in Central Park
  20. Racing strangers over the Manhattan Bridge
  21. Free parking
  22. A sense of camaraderie with strangers, just because they are on a bike
  23. Righteous anger at terrible planning decisions
  24. Complaining about Robert Moses
  25. The dinky adorable bike bell
  26. Counting how many blocks you can go without putting your foot down
  27. That moment of weightlessness at the top of the hill, just when you start downhill
  28. The sense of strength you feel pushing your body forward
  29. Fresh pavement
  30. Singing as loud as you want
  31. Seeing all of the in-between places
  32. Cursing like a New Yorker
  33. Knowing where all of the potholes are
  34. Checking out the other peoples’ rides at the stoplight
  35. Being able to pop into shops along the way
  36. Cranking up your portable speaker
  37. Ignoring your phone
  38. A bottle cage full of bodega coffee
  39. Pasta for lunch, pasta for dinner. No regrets.
  40. “You rode your BIKE? Badass!”
  41. Work Out + Commute = Multitasking
  42. That first day of good weather
  43. The view from any bridge
  44. Watching all of the cars stuck in traffic as you speed past
  46. People on bikes listening to music who let you draft
  47. People on bikes taking their kids to school
  48. People on bikes who get mad on your behalf when a driver comes too close
  49. Other people
  50. Bike dogs
  51. Sunshine
  52. Coasting downhill
  53. How you feel faster in spandex
  54. How you judge people in spandex
  55. How when you unzip your coat it flies back like a superhero
  56. Getting the last Citi Bike
  57. Getting to pick from a full dock of Citi Bikes
  58. Docking your Citi Bike in the last empty spot
  59. Electric Citi Bikes
  60. Alec Baldwin on a Citi Bike
  61. Stopping to warn people before a ticket trap
  62. Sharing legal advice with people after a ticket trap
  63. Letting pedestrians go first
  64. The surprised reaction when you let pedestrians go first
  65. Sometimes even letting cars go first
  66. Recognizing a friend’s bike in the wild
  67. Seeing friends in the bike lane
  68. Seeing the same strangers every day in the bike lane
  69. Being able to hit multiple parties / meetings / shows in one night
  70. Carrying everything
  71. Not paying for the subway
  72. Not waiting for the bus
  73. Not caring what trains are delayed
  74. Always having a seat
  75. Smugness
  76. River sunsets
  77. Spotting a hawk
  78. Moving too fast for mosquitoes
  79. Unintentionally terrorizing slow pigeons
  80. Smelling the flowers without needing to stop
  81. Light rain
  82. Heavy rain
  83. Being unprepared for a summer deluge
  84. Catching a green wave
  85. Realizing that New York City suddenly feels small
  86. Rolling stops
  87. Breaking the rules
  88. Critical Mass circa 2004
  89. Ride Outs circa 2019
  90. Suddenly following all the traffic rules because you see a little kid watching
  91. Coasting
  92. Climbing
  93. The feeling that you could just keep going and going and going
  94. Realizing that biking is like meditation
  95. Remembering that endorphins are a helluva drug
  96. Open streets
  97. Summer Streets
  98. Post-Marathon streets
  99. Bike lanes
  100. Protected bike lanes
  101. Riding in a protected bike lane that you fought for, and knowing “I did this.”

The fight for protected bike lanes is not on pause just because we are stuck at home. Learn how you can be an advocate for bike-friendly streets and more during COVID-19.



Transportation Alternatives
Transportation Alternatives

Written by Transportation Alternatives

Transportation Alternatives is your advocate for walking, bicycling, and public transit in New York City. We stand up for #VisionZero & #BikeNYC.

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